Our charity partner for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 seasons is Whiteleys Retreat.

Charity Partner 2023-24 Ayrshire Hospice
At our recent AGM a cheque for £1036.36 was presented to the Hospice as a result of fundraising over the 2023-24 season

Charity Partner Fundraising
Every two years, Ayr Choral Union nominates a charity to support.
At the AGM in June 2022, a cheque for £500 was presented to Brian Kelsey, a representative of Crossroads Caring Scotland.
This money was raised through a Just Giving webpage created for the Christmas concert and a bucket collection at the Spring concert, both of which took place in Ayr Town Hall.
Crossroads Caring Scotland is one of the country’s leading voluntary sector providers of support for carers and their families and Ayr Choral Union has been happy to help with fundraising during its two-year charity partnership.